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If we look at the passing through the phases written before more near, we can recognize, that we do not find ourselves after a circle again at the old starting point, but we matured. A border has been integrated and overcome thereby. We won width in life. This can be expressed figurative by a spiral, which expands a circle gradually into the boundlessness.

If we regard a spiral, then we recognize also, that there are different trends depending on the presentation. In principle the spiral opens however in addition to the circulation a new, so far not possible direction of motion. We could say, it opens a new dimension, which can be described particularly with the sight at a spiral spring.

The presented model uses the left illustrated form of a two-dimensional spiral, whose development leads within this dimension into the width, with a simpler and clearer presentation.

At the same time a delimitation and thus negative view to our life voids with each spiral circular path, so in the model the black portion of the spiral constitutes at the beginning about 50%, diminishes gradually and reduces by development noticeably.

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