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Integral Information Flow

At this theme the fundamental differences between particle and wave view must be distinguished. While at a particle view information is transmitted from a transmitter to a receiver, a wave perspective means a current existing wave superposition between all possible points.

As in previous chapters described, the holon choice is crucial for the choice of particle or wave viewing, which leads to the following aspects:

1. Information Transmission (particle apporach):
  • Information transmission between the transmitter(s) and receiver
  • Outside view at the holon
  • Directed transmission possible, which is stronger than undirected
  • Information transmission is stronger for smaller distance
  • Transmission with a maximum at speed of light c
  • Subject/object exist
  • Preferred approach between single holons, so by small holon choice
2. Information Superposition (wave approach):
  • Information superposition between holons
  • Inside view of a higher holon
  • Undirected transmission inevitably
  • Immediate information analysis
  • No subject/object exists
  • Preferred approach between group of holons of higher holon, so by big holon choice 

Particle model means

transmission by wave information

Wave model means

superposition of wave information

If multiple transmitters like in the picture below exchange directed or undirected information by waves with a receiver, it arises superposition at the recipient of these information waves, evaluated as a common signal.

Periodic waves also include in transmission technology harmonics i.e. integral multiples of the basic frequency. Specifically, a doubling of the frequency is known in music as octave. As a musical melody can be clearly identified on each octave or pitch, a certain partitial evaluation is carried out at least relative to the chosen octave or pitch.

The vibration energy of the incoming waves in the recipient suggests himself optimal for lossless resonance and thus afterwards radiation of the total energy. This is known from the physics as energy conservation theorem (for closed system).

There is no loss of energy in a including system !

Moreover the energy flow theorem (entropy theorem) is valid, what means in nature energy surplus flows to deficit, until a complete compensation exists and the entropy is at maximum. This means, that no permanent energy deficit exists, when energy can flow.

Energy flows from surplus to deficit !

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