In the above Chap. Duality and Other Subdivisions is already shown, that a whole is usually divided by mind into parts. Additionally in the Chap. Holon Triangle the representation of two basic dualities for the holon of consciousness was outlined. Bases on that, in this section the focus will be on a division of the divine into three personal views.

Ken Wilber has spoken ([2]/p.218-219) about the spirit in the first, second and third person, similar to the linguistic division into the 1st, 2nd and 3rd person.
The 1st and 2nd person distinguish a personal view of the interior and exterior, while the 3rd person uses a neutral and impersonal view.
This can be understood as follows:
- 1st
This includes the own inner experience and meeting the divine there.
- 2nd
This includes the experience and contact with the divinity out of myself in the opposite.
- 3rd
This includes the abstract recognition about the divine, also that everything is connected to everything, and that this can be observed with a neutral view.
In the nondual experience according to the message of the mysticians then this subdivision finally becomes one.