The most important basic dualities for an understanding of the material world are holon (1st person) / holon surroundings (2nd person) and individual / collective, which can be shown by 4 basic quadrants. Already Ken Wilber has described a holarchy by using a 4-quadrant model, but based on the dualities personal 1st person (inside) / 3rd person (outside) and individual / collective. Each of these quadrants a stepwise development named holon chain or holarchy can be assigned.
Important to the understanding of a holarchy is, that the higher Holon is distinguished by other properties (atom >molecule) and a pure accumulation of several holons not automatically forms a higher Holon.
It is important, that the following integral quadrant model, as a basis for the IPP pyramid in the next chapter, is containing both above named 4-quadrants. The base according to their own 4-quadrants and the left side view in accordance with the 4-quadrants by Ken Wilber.
Below the fundamental basic quadrants are described.
The separations of an individual holon to a collective holon or between holon and holon surroundings is marked in the model above as horizontal and vertical black line.
The distinction of an individual holon to a collective holon or between holon and holon surroundings is marked in the model above as horizontal and vertical black line.
The 4 basic quadrants describe as I/You/You/We process the human consciousness experience in the physical material body from its own life-giving body, through the loving opposite finally to the sheltering group therefore an experience of the first person singular, second person singular and 2nd person plural. Finally as a member of this group a higher holon arises as family/tribe that is experienced as a 1st person plural and at the same time as 1st person singular originating a next holarchiy level (tribe/country).
Therefor these four basic quadrants are forming the material base (R3=X1-X3) of the pyramid in the following described IPP model described below, while the 4-quadrants by Ken Wilber are integrated in the left side viewing at the pyramid (r3+T, red + orange), and the 3rd person (We or Its) is assigned to the impersonal level (orange).