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Process Work

When humans because of unforeseen bad blow (death case, disturbance, ...), because of removed compensation (fasting, retreats, ...) or at meditation and calmness get in contact with an acute emotion, a good process work for handling and resolution of these waves is recommended.

A solution bypasses never the emotion, that could be felt, but goes through the middle of it. The usual approach in meditation to "sit out" represses and dissociates seriously over time. The mental employment and/or reacting activity increases according to the newest brain research only those neural paths and thus the pain, so that in this way a retraumatization occurs.

Helpful seems to be only complete allowing of the emotional waves without an acting-out proceeding or connected thoughts but with respiratory support. Therefore the effective process method of Liebevolle Zwiesprache® is recommended, as is explained in a chapter below.

Anything that can flow away at the moment,

produces no more pressure.

A first indication for such procedure can be found at the christian mystician Johannes Tauler ([19]/p.113-114) a student of Master Eckhart in the middle age, in which he describes, not to escape to the outside and suffer all out.

Due to observation of processes over a prolonged period by my experience usually determined steps of deeper layers will be followed. Usually the path begins with themes of the mental above-ego (outside reviews, etc.), and gets then on emotional ego themes (anger, anxiety, ...) finally to existential instinctive themes (faint, loneness, unsecurity). These include the social instinct, the sexual instinct and the instinct for self-preservation, where one of the three existential themes mostly dominates according to the own enneagram sub character.

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